Oh those sneaky politicians and the way they will change the name and hide the true meaning of something just to trick people into raising taxes.
Don’t be fooled by the so-called, "Congestion Relief Fund." It’s a tax increase to build trains. And as Wake County Commissioner Tony Gurley said best, "I don’t expect the transit plan to create a significant reduction in traffic on the roads."
If they were truly concerned with reducing congestion, we’d be building more roadway capacity, not building some fantasy train system that at most will take 3% of the cars off the road (which will be replaced with 2-3 years of growth).
Trains – 5x the cost and 1/5th the capacity of roads. So how do we reduce congestion?
Great minds think alike.
The Antiplanner blogs on the Triangle’s light rail plan:
I think 3% is about 2% too generous.
We reduce congestion by widening roads. Thank you. Drive through.