President Bush signed today an executive order requiring federal contractors to verify the immigration status of their employees (HT: Chris).
Notes the EO:
It is the policy of the executive branch to enforce fully the immigration laws of the United States, including the detection and removal of illegal aliens and the imposition of legal sanctions against employers that hire illegal aliens. Because of the worksite enforcement policy of the United States and the underlying obligation of the executive branch to enforce the immigration laws, contractors that employ illegal aliens cannot rely on the continuing availability and service of those illegal workers, and such contractors inevitably will have a less stable and less dependable workforce than contractors that do not employ such persons.
Two questions:
1) Why was this not done sooner? Or, how can Bush seriously say it is the policy of the executive branch to fully enforce immigration law, when the border is still not secure?
2) As Chris notes, could Governor Easley do the same here in North Carolina?
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