Here’s a blog post that puts the current NC controversy into historical perspective. Rome began to rot when wealth and power began to eat away at the traditions and values of the republic. You only have to look around to see what is going on in our society. A society that isn’t socially responsible can’t be morally responsible nor fiscally responsible.
The problem is that when you’ve overthrown social mores, as this writer says, you will overthrow the political mores and the economic rules. Then there will be an inevitable reaction. It won’t be fun.
Morality, ethics and honesty are not traits I associate with todays dysfunctional, conservative obstructionism, cronyism of a rigged system owned by Oligarchs.
Personal freedom, liberty, and fellow citizens not sharing your narrow world view, rigid religous beliefs or sexual preference are not a risk to society.
America is NOT a Theoracy and we should not have a Christan version of sharia law.
We are exactly like Rome thanks to people like Lonnie and every deviate thing you can think of is fine with him.
Larry and Civitas Institute are Authortiarians opposing personal freedom and liberty. You are free only if you follow their narrow small world view.
Authortiarians,Lonnie has gotten himself a new word.He wore out Plutocrats.He thinks if there are no rules and Democrats can do any sick thing they like,that is what he means by being free.Free to be a deviate of their choosing.
Hey Lonnie,
Explain the difference in an Oligarch that you hate and a Communist that you love.
Democratic Socialism is what funds roads, bridges, libraries, FEMA, EMS, ports, public schools, fire departments, coast guard, NASA, land fills, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP.
Oligarchies and Communism both have an tiny elite which government serves at the expense of working citizens.
That’s your biggest lie yet,False Narrative.People like me and other taxpayers paid for all that,not lazy bums that live off the taxpayers,like you.You change your name every few years when stupid people finally figure out what a Liberal is.Then it was Progressives,now it Social Democrats.What it really is,is lazy leaches that want everybody to take care of them.Someone to give them free food,healthcare,housing,phones,Internet,college education and 15 dollars jobs for kids that can’t find their way to the bathroom.That’s probably just as well because there will probably be a pervert in there.
Democratic Socialism funds NASA?The lying Ostupid laid off everybody there except the government workers after telling them when he was running for President that their jobs were safe.He is as big a liar as Hillary and you.