The House and Senate have overridden Governor Cooper’s vetoes for SB 325 (Expanded and Uniform Voting Act) and SB 711 ( NC Farm Act of 2018). The bills now become law.
SB 325 will expand the total hours allotted for early voting but eliminates early voting on the Saturday before election day to allow local boards to prepare for Tuesday elections. The legislation also requires that changes from local boards of election regarding voting hours be made uniform across the county. Civitas supported this legislation.
S 711, the NC Farm Act, provides relief for hog and other livestock farms who increasingly find themselves the subjects of nuisance lawsuits. To do so however, the legislation shreds the rights of local property owners. Beccause we believe the legislation is worse than the problem it is trying to solve, Civitas did not support this legislation.
This will not be the end of veto overrides as the House has scheduled veto override votes on five more bills for today.
Stay tuned.