As many of you prepare to enjoy the 3-day Labor Day weekend, be sure to keep Gov. Perdue and the N.C. General Assembly in your thoughts. Thanks to them, your family cookout or trip to the beach will be more expensive.
Want to enjoy a cold beer? Pay up. How about a cigar and a glass of wine? Pay up.
But you “sinners” aren’t the only ones who will be lighter in the wallet. Charcoal and lighter fluid for the grill? Pay up. Suncsreen for the trip to the beach? Pay up. And by the way, if you get nabbed for a speeding ticket or not buckling up – you’re fine will be higher too.
So enjoy this Labor Day weekend, and thank your rulers in Raleigh that you will have to labor even more to pay for it.
Don’t forget the 2 cents more per gallon in gas tax you’re paying.