If Adam Searing is indignant, something good must be happening in healthcare–or, at least, nothing bad is happening. Well, Adam Searing is indignant. He’s angry that the N.C. Senate decided to pull extra money that was slated to expand socialized Medicine in North Carolina. Apparently, times is tight and they (the G.A.) can’t find the money.
Good. Putting middle class kids on Medicaid is devastating to our ailing healthcare system. I’m sure that’s the idea for Searing. For though he hides behind the apparently righteous cause of "helping children", I imagine it troubles him not-a-jot that healthcare crowdout and a worsening death-spiral in premium prices result from his policy prescriptions. After all, without destroying the insurance market, he can’t hasten the coming of Cubacare.
Let me explain again for those who don’t get it: Insurance is cheaper when low risk people are in the insurance risk-pool. Children are low-risk people. Putting children on Medicaid removes them from the risk pool. Prices go up. More people decide it’s not worth it and go uninsured. These people are often also young. For those older, sicker people who remain, the prices goes up and up. All thanks to policies advocated by Searing. Kids’ Care helps increase the number of uninsured. Nice work.
Let’s all do our part to keep Adam Searing upset. People need health insurance, after all.
-Max Borders
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