A revolution in the making? Innovators like Vic Wood could help us out of our broken, half-socialized, crazy-quilt healthcare system. (HT: Hayes, Balfour)
(Update: I’m also waiting for doctors in NC to form an HSA-only network so we don’t have to subsidize insurance processing overhead that we HSA-holders don’t use.)
Pre-paid healthcare — that’s a very interesting approach. If it takes off for primary care, I wonder if insurers might start making allowances for it. It would seem to cut some of their more recurring costs, with consumers essentially bearing the risks of their own primary care costs.
Speaking of HSAs, here is some information on their benefits.
It’s a step in the right direction, albeit a baby step.
As a cancer patient, it totally wouldn’t work for me. HSAs aren’t great for me either.
But the point is that these programs encourage choice and competition and that’s a good thing.
Hey Nathania,
With a condition like yours, I’d like to hear more about your situation if you care to share.
Also, What do you think about high-risk pools? Also, what do you think about tax credits to buy insurance?