A doozy from John Goodman:
– Does the plan force anyone to choose between health care and other uses of money?
– Does the plan force any provider of care to compete for patients based on price and/or quality of care?
– Does the plan allow patients now trapped in schemes that ration care by waiting — Medicaid, SCHIP and emergency room free care — to have the same access to doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc., that privately insured patients have?
If the answer to the first question is "no," the plan will not control costs. If the answer to the second question is "no," the plan will not improve quality. If the answer to the third question is "no," the plan will not increase access to care. And if the answer to all three is "no" — which I believe it is — the plan is hardly worth talking about.
Read the whole thing.
-Max Borders
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