Eager to blame the President (again) — this time for the nation’s healthcare woes — News & Observer editorialists say: "Health care is not a top priority for this crew — not that it ever has been."
I’m certainly no Bush apologist. But good journalists and fair editorialists would recall that Bush introduced one of the most comprehensive and important healthcare proposals in the history of the US. Even some leftwing groups gave the reforms the thumbs-up. So was this effort in Bush-bashing ignorance or willful ignorance? For all of his shortcomings, the President has made tremendous efforts to reform healthcare. Mike Leavitt has been tirelessly campaigning with governors around the US to try to pitch some of the President’s reforms. He’s also been working on creating standards for value-driven healthcare.
In the meantime, the State of North Carolina has done nothing but try to make our healthcare more expensive (here, here and here) and yet we hear nothing about this from our major NC news outlets — especially the N&O.
So why all the ugliness? The press isn’t interested in the kinds of reforms the Bush Administration has been working on. The press wants Hilarycare. That’s why they largely ignored the 2006 SOTU proposal and that’s why they’re claiming that the Administration doesn’t care. I’d say that’s sicko.
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