Our progressive friends will continue to ignore the hard facts of reality when it comes to healthcare. We won’t. Consider this post from Joe Coletti in reference to the public sector’s share of healthcare expenditures. Some staggering figures:
- "The public sector accounted for 56.1 percent of health spending within the civilian noninstitutionalized population."
- Tax subsidies made up 30¢ of every government dollar [not including institutionalized or Medicare Part D recipients].
- "Even among families with incomes greater than four times the poverty level, public spending accounted for 45.8 percent of total spending."
It’s amazing that people on the left can wake up in the morning, look themselves in the mirror, then go along straightfacedly to claim that healthcare in America is a) somehow free-market, b) requires more government interference and subsidy, and c) people aren’t getting enough government support for healthcare.
Let’s repeat: "Even among families with incomes greater than four times the poverty
level, public spending accounted for 45.8 percent of total spending." And while crying for yet more, they never once care to look at the very policies that are driving up health care costs.
-Max Borders
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