Last night Hoke County school officials held a special meeting to discuss the handling of the pre-k lunch incident which made national headlines last month.
According to the Fayetteville Observer’s account of the meeting:
During Monday night’s meeting, the Hoke County Board of Education voted to release statements from Superintendent Freddy Williamson, board Chairman Hank Richards, the board’s attorney Nick Sojka and selected documents from Maynor’s personnel file, including her letter of resignation, to several media outlets present at the meeting, as well as principals from the system’s schools.
According to the documents, the teacher in question in the incident provided false statements, then changed her story. These false statements are what lead to her suspension – she has since resigned.
One thing that does become clear from the statements, however, is that the state had indeed sent a representative from Health and Human Services to instruct teachers and staff about USDA nutrition requirements that all lunches must meet – including those packed by parents and sent from home.
The teacher is question may or may not have provided false statements at the onset of the investigation. She may or may not be a scapegoat.
But that is merely a distraction from the primary issue: the state and federal government have turned into the food police, mandating that four year olds have their lunch boxes inspected to ensure their lunches are state-approved.
Hope and Change
Civitas and Art Pope’s other propaganda machines should be ashamed of making this poor teacher’s life hell- she was just doing her job…this site and other fox outlets bought and paid for by the people destroying our country made a mtn. out of a molehill and ruined this fine teacher’s life…. sad and so very, very petty.
I agree yruhere!
That stupid 4 year old should have never said anything.
Shut up and obey your masters!
yruhere and iamstupid, Civitas is not making her life hell. It is the inept bureaucrats in the school system and the at the state level.
Civitas is trying to get the story out to the public. This teacher has done nothing wrong, she is a scapegoat.
The school/state/gov’t has no business regulating school lunches that were bought and prepared outside of school; end of story.
This is what happens when you have gov’t funded schools.