Ever wanted to know how much an NC government employee makes?
The Charlotte Observer has updated its database of government workers' salaries for November 2008.
Guess how many employees in the Department of Commerce make in excess of $100,000 per year?
68 people paid over $100,000 per year to give cash handouts to business or sit on a political crony-filled board. Sweet gigs!
I wonder how all those SEIU-represented rank-and-file employees making $30k per year feel about that.
How about the top 123 in SEIU that make over $100,000 and then continue down the lenghty list of paid employees?
God help us if G.S. 95-98 is repealed and SEIU does become the bargaining agent for rank-and-file employees. SEIU has sure done a great job in Indiana up to this date.
Maybe Mr. Cope (Andy Stearn’s clone) can take his favorite state puppets and start his own show….check your card and become one of “COPES DOPES”!
OK…..let me correct it……I meant Illinois! Guess you need to make a comment when you are not so upset!