Today, Senate Leader Marc Basnight gave Governor-elect the ok to nominate current DOT board member Lanny Wilson as the next Secretary of DOT (replacing Tony Rand's campaign treasurer – Lyndo Tippett).
So, how does one get to be DOT Secretary like Mr. Wilson? Apparently give a lot of money to Democrats. According to State Board of Elections reports, Wilson has given almost $300,000 to Democratic campaigns over the past 10 years or so. (Download full list of Wilson's contributions here)
Let's also not forget about the sweetheart deal his development company gave Governor Easley on an piece of land in Carteret County that Don Carrington of Carolina Journal extensively documented here and here.
Hmm… nominating big fundraisers and political cronies to the DOT board? I thought Bev swore she wasn't the status quo…
Her action here definitely illustrates “Talking the Talk” but not “Walking the Walk”.
From Bev’s “Plan for Clean Gubernatorial Elections”
…It is clear that DOT is a major “hot spot” as well. As Bev has emphasized in a major speech and policy paper, we face very formidable challenges in meeting our transportation needs over the next few decades and the DOT will need to be transformed into a highly cost-effective 2lst century entity in order to re-establish public confidence…
About that ublic Confidence thing…