In addition to spending the state’s (your) money without consent of the Constitutionally empowered Senators and Representatives, King Michael I of Southport also took time to weigh in on the transfer tax issue, by proclaiming:
"I think that a lot of the legislators are scared of the Realtors and
they’ve got to decide: Do they stand with the Realtors or do they stand
with the people they represent?" Easley said.
With all due respect, Your Majesty, maybe those people who actually have to stand for another election, unlike yourself, are afraid of something else, namely, the voters.
According to Civitas Institute polling from June, 78% of your subjects are opposed to a tax on the sale of their homes or property. And the latest polling from July shows that a majority of voters (52%) believe that if an elected official votes to give new taxing authority to counties, that legislator is voting for a tax increase.
So Your Majesty, while you will never have to face the voters again, those to which the Constitution grants policy, taxing and spending authority will have to, and they can choose to stand with the common people and say no to new taxes.
Nice job in getting the truth out!!
Easley misses the point, once again. The legislators are standing with the people—we don’t want another tax, especially when we go to sell our homes. I agree with the opponents of this home tax. It’s an awfully bad idea.
Thanks to all the legislators who are standing with the people and opposing the home tax!
Love the photo. Clever! Keep up the great work! Cheers.