Oh great, now Max has gone all slow-growth central planner type on us.
Huh? How so? Roundabouts are faster than sitting at an intersection. And both are planned and funded by gubment, anyway… so why not choose the safer, more efficient one? As long as they are cost effective, that is.
Because Raleigh is using them as part of the “New urbanism” revival of Hillsborough Street.
It’s their way to control traffic flow and make things “more pedestrian friendly.”
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Civitas joined forces with John Locke Foundation
On January 1, 2021, Civitas joined forces with John Locke Foundation! You can access the latest research from our team at johnlocke.org.
Oh great, now Max has gone all slow-growth central planner type on us.
Huh? How so? Roundabouts are faster than sitting at an intersection. And both are planned and funded by gubment, anyway… so why not choose the safer, more efficient one? As long as they are cost effective, that is.
Because Raleigh is using them as part of the “New urbanism” revival of Hillsborough Street.
It’s their way to control traffic flow and make things “more pedestrian friendly.”