It’s like voter suppression. Only it took place at medical offices.
Yesterday I had my blood tested, and today I had a CT scan.
In both places, I was required to show a driver’s license – or, I assume, some equivalent form of identification.
Just as North Caroline voters will have to do in 2016.
On my recent vacation, I had to show ID to rent a car and board an airplane. I recently had to show ID to pick up a prescription at a pharmacy.
I’ve had to show ID to buy beer, when it is undeniable I am way, way over 21 years of age.
The Left has been howling about this requirement all summer, complaining it is voter suppression, etc. My experiences merely reminded me of a point we at Civitas have been making for some time: You have to have ID to be part of society today. You not only need to have one to board an airplane, you will also need one if you want to ride an Amtrak train.
To get Social Security card, you must provide ID.
Then to collect those benefits, a new law mandates that you receive your payments electronically.
But the Patriot Act requires you to … show identification to open a bank account.
NC authorities say that to apply for Medicaid: “If possible, take the items listed below with you when you go to the DSS office to apply. If you do not have some or all of these items, please apply anyway because it is very important to protect your application date.”
Those documents include:
- Certified birth certificates or other proof of citizenship/alien status for each individual applying for Medicaid/NCHC
- Identity documents for each individual applying for Medicaid/NCHC
- Social security cards, social security numbers, or proof that you have made an application for a number from the Social Security Office, for each individual applying for Medicaid or NCHC
- A copy of all pay stubs for last month
- Copies of all medical or life insurance policies
- A list of all cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, etc. you or anyone in your household own, including the year, make, model, and vehicle identification number (VIN) for each item
- Most recent bank statements
- A list of all real property you own
- Current financial statements/award letters from other sources of income, such as social security, retirement benefits, pensions, veteran benefits, and child support.
A quick Web search will turn up plenty of other activities that require ID. Skeptics might keep track of how often they must show ID over the course of a month.
In short, everyone needs ID to take part in society. People without identification can’t get medical care or social service benefits. Someone who can’t produce basic ID is therefore far outside the mainstream of society. If there are such people, they really need help – but they can’t get it without ID.
If our friends on the Left really cared about the truly needy, they would welcome the chance to provide these essential documents to those who need them. And they have about three years to do so.
But the Left doesn’t talk about helping the needy get ID. That offers two possibilities: (1) There are no such people, or (2) the Left doesn’t really care about helping the needy, but only about using them to play political games.
Photo from
How dare they place a “poll tax” on your “right” to health care! After all, health care a “right” just like voting is a “right,” according to the regressives.
Your doctor clearly is a white supremacist using Jim Crow tactics to attempt to disenfranchise minorities’ rights.
Yep… Just wait for the implant…maybe that will suppress your ire at having to show ID. That is for everyone, for everything–including grocery purchases, etc. It’s coming–ask Biden. He told the SCOTUS they would be hearing that case, oh and, the case for brain scans to determine if you were a criminal. Welcome to the NWO. I feel so disenfranchised… I believe in the Constitution.
I just wanted to let you know that you don’t actually have to have a photo ID to board an airplane. TSA has backup procedures for those who either have no photo ID or neglected to bring it to the airport — you can’t just board, but TSA will check databases or take the word of a traveling companion who does have a photo ID (I’ve had a friend use that backup procedure). Also, with respect to controlled substances and Sudafed, while it is true that a photo ID is needed, IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE PHOTO ID OF THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SCRIP IS WRITTEN. I’ve picked up plenty of scrips for Sudafed and controlled meds for family members by showing MY Photo ID.
You have to show an ID to purchase a fishing license at a state office. The Democratic legislators passed that when they were in control.
A fishing license is not a constitutionally guaranteed right. Voting is.
And health care should be. If you were denied necessary medical coverage because of the lack of a photo ID, I would have argued that your rights had indeed been denied.
Technically you are wrong Jason Baker. Voting is not explicitly a constitutional right….