Another case of voter fraud – this time coming from Indiana.
Indiana’s Republican Secretary of State, the states’ top election officer, was found guilty of six felony charges, “including false registration, voting in another precinct, submitting a false ballot, theft and two counts of perjury.”
I wonder how many people in NC think it is alright to use a bogus address when they vote? My guess would be that alot of people believe voting using an old or “borrowed” address is no big deal. We can only assume that this is a common occurence, because NC has no safeguards in place to detect or discourage this type of fraud.
As in the Indiana case, high profile individuals (especially candidates) are the voters most likley to get caught in this type of fraud. They are closely scrutinized by their opponents and constituents, whereas the average voter has no one paying attention to them anymore – especially with the advent of one-stop voting and the move away from voting in one’s home precinct. But, it still never ceases to amaze me that a man like Indiana’s Secretary of State would believe that he wouldn’t get caught breaking the law. It is further evidence that politicians, both Republican and Democrats, often times end up with a sense of entitlement and a mentality that “THE RULES” don’t apply to them.
I have noticed it is most often those of the conservative ilk who feel “above the law” I think it is because Democratic politicians are usually punished for their highjinks while Republicans protect their disgraces and rally around them… one name comes to mind immediately Republican DAVID VITTER!! ugh what a shameful person to be in the US government…