Before the press gets too ga-ga over Gov.-elect Bev Perdue's selection of Gene Conti as the new head of the NC Department of Transportation as some type of "change" from DOT's patronage-laden past, let's point out a couple of things:
1. Gene Conti's wife, Betsy, was Perdue's Chief of Staff from 2002-2005.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Conti have given in excess of $15,000 to Democratic campaigns over the past four years, including $4,200 to Perdue's committee. (Download full list of contributions Download Conti_contributions in Excel).
Although I do have to give Gov.-elect Perdue some credit for her selection — Conti actually has experience in the transportation industry unlike his predecessor whose sole qualification for the job was that he was Sen. Tony Rand's accountant.
key will be who fills out the spots on the board.