While everyone has pretty much put Attorney General Roy Cooper in the US Senate race against Richard Burr, Cooper has been fairly quiet on the issue.
Could this have something to do with why he hasn't announced he's running?
the 2000 attorney general campaign, Cooper ran a television
advertisement that claimed the law firm of his opponent, Dan Boyce,
sued the state and charged $28,000 an hour in attorney's fees.
The media coverage of this lawsuit seems to be flying under the radar as of now. But can you imagine the publicity it would be garnering if Cooper was a declared Senate candidate? Undoubtedly, a high profile trial like this would drive Cooper's currently low negatives much higher. But if he's not a candidate, then maybe the public won't notice and he can try and get through it with as little attention drawn to it as possible.
Good luck with that.
“(C)an you imagine the publicity it would be garnering if Cooper was a declared Senate candidate?”
Can you imagine the publicity it would be garnering if Cooper was a conservative Republican?
I don’t think he will run.