First it was Stephen Glass of TNR. Now Pvt. Scott Thomas Beauchamp is making up stuff.
This is really disappointing. As a former enthusiastic New Republic subscriber (yes, I know where they stand), I had hoped they had put this behind them. They once had more than an ounce of credibility. Now, it’s almost like they’re the same people who call middle class families "the working poor." Oh wait, that’s the Democrat Party. Or maybe Al Gore, who cites fictional scientists who claim 20 ft. sealevel rises before the 21st Century is out.
But seriously, this is bad. These mendacious writers are willing to distort reality for the sake of both personal gain and an ideological win-at-all costs mentality that has become so pervasive it now plagues both the leftist blogsphere and the mainstream media. It’s sick. But the big lie is the one that will be believed, right? Just wait till the Schip issue revs up again, you’ll be knee-deep in lies from the left.
-Max Borders
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