For the proposed Triangle light rail system, consider this:
– $3 billion will serve (at most) 3 percent of the population on any given day.
– Less than 1 percent of congestion will be relieved. Some light rail traffic is lunch-goers and site-see-ers.
– If the most ambitious estimate – 25,000 per day – is true, you could buy every potential rider 4 Toyota Priuses.
– Or, you could buy each of those people a Prius and buy 2000 miles more roadway for them to drive on.
– Where are they planning light rail? Chapel Hill, Cary, North Raleigh and Duke — the wealthiest parts of the state. Is this so wealthy people don’t have to take buses?
– You’ll be subsidizing 90-95% of mostly wealthy people’s tickets.
– The average light rail line in America takes only 1/5 the riders of the average comparable highway mile. It costs 5 Xs as much.
Chew on those tidbits for a while.
-Max Borders
Add to that now we have nominated for the Republican gubernatorial candidate, Charlotte’s own king of lite rail, Pat (McCain) McCrory. Sadly this mass transit loving microcosmic model of John McCain is still a far better choice than our current Governor and his heir to the throne Bev Purdon’t.