The big march Saturday included people with signs that perfectly sum up liberalism: “Extend Unemployment.”That is exactly what modern liberalism does: It extends unemployment.When the recession began, the number of long-term unemployed people was a bit over one million; now it’s 3.6 million, a news report says.
So when you read the news reports about how there were thousands on the march, remember the millions who have suffered from extended unemployment under the Obama administration.
As we have said previously, most economists believe excessive unemployment compensation makes unemployment worse. Benefits extended too long give people rational reasons not to work, and they discourage employers from hiring. Economists from the Federal Reserve — hardly a wild-eyed bunch — suggest that the federal government’s extension of jobless pay is one reason for our economic doldrums.
But liberals don’t get it. And unemployment benefits are not the only liberal snake oil that keeps people from getting jobs.
“Expand Medicare … Extend unemployment … Raise the Minimum Wage”
Liberal policies, whatever good they did years ago, now cause more harm than good. Medicaid wastes billions while doing little or nothing for the health of those trapped in the system, and it may even make health care worse. Raising the minimum wage would kill more jobs.
But the liberals keep marching onward, heedless of what their well-intentioned policies actually do. Remember what happened when the Congressional Budget Office — another sober-minded agency — said Obamacare would push more than two million workers out of the job market in the space of a few years. The Obama administration and its sycophants were saying, Wow, that’s great. In other words, they’re admitting this great truth: that when you support liberalism, you support schemes that will in the end ….
This is the sort of disingenuous BS Civitas is infamous for. Why can’t you get your facts right instead of publishing demonstrably false information? The CBO did NOT say Obamacare would push more than two million workers out of the job market. The current state of the job market has nothing to do with “liberalism”, or President Obama for that matter. I know facts are hard, but the Great Recession was caused by failed Republican policies, are you having trouble remembering anything that happened before President Obama was elected? Civitas could possibly be taken a little more seriously if it stated facts instead of opions.
YoYoman is a progressive parrot who wants government to solve all ills. The Great Recession was caused by the overwhelming size and spending of the federal government. Since the recession, govco has grown even larger and its spending more voracious. Get off your aaa, vote out all incumbents or America will collapse
If you had any sense, and were not some radical leftist parrot, you would know that the recession was caused by decisions in the 1990’s by the Congress then. The financial crisis has it’s roots in laws such as the CRA that forced banks to lend to sub-par credits.
And yes, this current predicament is certainly Barry’s fault! He has done all he can to expand the welfare state and keep people in slavery to the government.