File this in the "I wish I was making this stuff up, but it’s really true" file.
According to the Mexican Labor Ministry, the State of North Carolina is violating International Law and NAFTA by not repealing its statute (G.S. 95-98) which prohibits public employees from collective bargaining rights. And they have sent a complaint letter!
Oh boy, where do I begin on this…
First, MYOB. (There’s another letter that could be inserted between O and B, but I’ll keep it G-rated.)
Second, the idea that the Mexican government thinks for one second that the State of NC cares what it thinks regarding labor law is so ridiculous it’s almost hard to believe.
Third, this just shows how out of touch with reality the labor unions are that they think this is a good strategy to convince North Carolinians and North Carolina lawmakers to repeal the statute. Can you really see 61 NC House members voting to repeal G.S. 95-98 "because Mexico thinks we should?" Do the labor unions think this will sway the general public to join their fight?
Labor unions in this country have gone so far off the deep end to the left they are marginalizing themselves and their effectiveness. They have moved so far to the fringes of mainstream thinking that professed socialists may be able to run to their political right.
Don’t people have a fundamental right to organize?
Max, people have a right to organize. It is just that the people on the other side have a right to ignore them collectively, and deal with them as individuals.
I believe that collective bargaining would be a huge mistake for the State of North Carolina. What it will do is turn us into another New Jersey, where the legislature can raise taxes all it wants, and will then have the excuse the the unions made them do it, and that they had no choice, other than to force the teachers and troopers and prison guards to strike. Trust me – this is where this leads. (It is noteworthy that they never mention that the American Federation of DOT Shovel Leaners or the Amalgamated Paper Shufflers Union is about to strike, though, but I digress.)
Maybe the Mexican government feels that it has enough of its citizens in North Carolina that it ought to have a say in these issues. From what I have seen, they might be onto something. But if our sovereignty means anything, we need to send them a message back – “Get lost.” Preferably, this will be sent back along with a busload or two of their citizens who inhabit our jails.
Sure people have a right to organize. That doesn’t mean government must negotiate with them.
The right to organize is separate from the rights of collective bargaining, which itself is more akin to socialism.
But,labor unions are doing such a good job for the auto industry! Just look at the booming economy in Michigan.
Folks concerned about population growth in NC should embrace massive unionization in both the government and private sectors. That way, the economy will tank and not only will people stop moving here, but many more will leave. No more traffic congestion!
For a preview of what that might look like, check out the unemployment rate in Michigan – not to mention demographic trends and how long it takes to sell a home.
Even in a “right to work” state like NC people have a “right” to organize. But they don’t have the “right” to compel others to join the union. Repealing collective bargaining is part of the effort to eliminate the “right to work” compelling all to join a union if a majority wishes to form a union and we know where that leads. To a thriving steel, auto and whatever else they used to make up in the rust belt.
I should have put a ;) beside my question above.