NCNAACP leader William Barber (center) speaking at protest rally, June 2, 2014, on Halifax Mall, Raleigh
One problem with the Monday protests is what lies between the lines. Listening to speakers today on Halifax Mall, for instance, you’d think fracking is something new and experimental and, therefore, dangerous.
But fracking isn’t something new and untested. Fracking was pioneered in 1947. A baby born then is now collecting full Social Security. There have been more than 2.5 million fracking jobs since then, across the world. If there were massive problems they’d be apparent, and the news media would be trumpeting them from the housetops. But they aren’t, because fracking is not a major threat.
About 32 states have allowed fracking. They’ve figured out how to do it. NC can take advantage of what they’ve learned, and avoid any mistakes they’ve made.
There are many things more dangerous than fracking: cars, buses, airplanes, bicycles. Heck, clean water is more dangerous than fracking: about 3,500 Americans drown every year. Maybe we should ban water.
On a more serious note, the protests then went on to call for Medicaid expansion. Most of us, including most of us on the right, think those truly unable to help themselves need some help. We just think Medicaid is a terrible way to do it.
Left unanswered on Monday was the question: How do you pay for medical care for the helpless?
One way of course is engage in fracking to develop the billions of dollars of energy wealth buried right under our feet. That’s jobs for people who aren’t afraid to put on hardhats and work boots, people who have had a tough time in recent years. And that’s money for people to pay their own medical bills, and though their taxes help out those who really need help. And fracking creates revenue for government too; you’d think our liberal friends would jump right on that.
There are serious issues. Too bad the Monday protesters don’t want to do anything about them.
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