Check out more insight into what the so-called "progressives" want to do to America’s health care system. Seems like our friends across the pond are getting desperate for alternatives from their "single-payer" system.
"Thousands of "health tourists" are going as far as India, Malaysia and South Africa for major operations – such is their despair over the quality of health services."
Remember this when a lefty tries to tell you that government run health care in other countries – such as England – results in better "health outcomes." Seems that a state run health care system leads to poorer quality, long waiting lists and dangerous cost-cutting measures:
"The first survey of Britons opting for treatment overseas shows that fears of hospital infections and frustration with NHS waiting lists are fueling the increasing trend."
Hhmm…where have we heard that argument before?
Read more about cases that may soon be coming to America if progressives get their way. If government-run health care is the panacea lefties continue to claim it is, why are so many Britons flying thousands of miles to seek care? This quote from a former hospital employee who flew to India to have heart surgery pretty much says it all:
‘I’m sorry to say that Third World standards are what we now find in British hospitals’
Furthermore, a British doctor expresses her concerns over the NHS in this article.
"Faced with such a health service, it is easy to understand why those who can afford it choose to have private treatment or even to go abroad. So much money has gone into the NHS in recent years, yet it is hard to see where it has disappeared to. Is this really the value for money we keep hearing about?"
Combine this with a number of recent articles depicting the growing amount of people being forced to perform dentristy on themselves (ouch!) in England, and it becomes hard to take the progressive arguments seriously. Is this really the type of health care system we want to foist upon "the children?"
Many, probably most, of those opting for treatment in India are coming for the USA. That is because the cost of treatment in the USA is completely out of control. A universal single payer health care system is the most efficient and most cost effective.
If you look at international health outcomes and compare the USA to all other wealthy nations, the USA stands about 19 out of the 19 wealthiest nations, i.e. life expectancy, infant mortality, and etc.
Per capita, we pay almost twice what every other wealthy nation pays for health care but do not have the outcomes to show for the cost. We pay for universal health care for all but we don’t have anything close to universal coverage.
A single payer system is not socialized medicine. Physicians, medical centers, hospitals, and other medical services remain private. They are just simply paid through one payer.
Medicare, before having portions of it privatized in 2003 (part C and D) was a single payer system that seniors where very happy with. Medicare for all can be even more efficient and cost effective.