It is very instructive to examine the differences between one of the most conservative states in the country and our own home state. Though we share a border of several hundred miles with our southern cousins, we could not be farther apart politically.
While conservatives in the Old North State appear to be down on their luck, the opposite situation exists in the Palmetto State. Carolina Politics Online has an example of the South Carolina way. In this age of Obama, a Democrat legislator has decided to switch parties to the GOP. What do they put in the water down there?
What led him to do it? “My district’s a conservative district,” Rep. Moss said. “Obama lost my
district pretty substantially. I don’t know what I can say, other than
to represent my district to the best of my ability, I’ve got to be
where I can do that effectively.”
The sad thing about it is that North Carolina has several conservative districts that are held by liberals that continually convince the voters in their district that they really are a conservative. Just remember, actions always speak louder than words.
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