You think the Durham meals tax is bad (rich folks wanting to build their baseball museum on the backs of the poor)? Wait, Durham County, till they're asking you to pay for light rail. It's up next.
Citizen Interested In Transparencyin for Gov't & Bloggerssays
What is really interesting is how you right-wingers jump into Durham county and try to tell us how we should tax ourselves all the while you problably live in counties that already have the tax, which was probably imposed by your county commissioners without a vote.
This tax is fair for many reasons but just one for you to contemplate. You probably didn’t know that over 100,000 folks work in Durham county but live in another county. These folks don’t pay for the city and county services upon which they rely everyday. It is only fair to develop a revenue source in Durham county that captures some of thier money. The most likely thing that folks from other counties will do while in Durham is to eat out.
This additional revenue will help Durham improve its amenities and potentially attract more of those folks to actually live here.
Citizen Interested In Transparencyin for Gov't & Bloggerssays
Oh by the way, the tax is not regressive. It is not a food tax, it is an eating out tax. Maybe you have been mislead by Americans For Prosperity that is running the misleading ad campaign in Durham. Or maybe your just helping them . . . truth or no.
1. The fact is, Citizen, many poor people “eat out” as much as they eat in. It’s confiscatory and regressive. It hurts the poor — all because rich folks want a boondoggle. A baseball museum is not an “essential service,” it is a boondoggle. If it creates value in society, philanthropists and fees will pay for it, not confiscation by Durham’s corrupt politicians.
2. There are people who live in Durham County who commute to neighboring counties, so the reverse is also true. Besides, if you were capturing revenues to be “fair” you would spend it on things those people use, like roads, and not on boondoggles.
3. Don’t give me that “mind your business” line, either. I’m minding the business of innocent people you’re ripping off.
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What is really interesting is how you right-wingers jump into Durham county and try to tell us how we should tax ourselves all the while you problably live in counties that already have the tax, which was probably imposed by your county commissioners without a vote.
This tax is fair for many reasons but just one for you to contemplate. You probably didn’t know that over 100,000 folks work in Durham county but live in another county. These folks don’t pay for the city and county services upon which they rely everyday. It is only fair to develop a revenue source in Durham county that captures some of thier money. The most likely thing that folks from other counties will do while in Durham is to eat out.
This additional revenue will help Durham improve its amenities and potentially attract more of those folks to actually live here.
Oh by the way, the tax is not regressive. It is not a food tax, it is an eating out tax. Maybe you have been mislead by Americans For Prosperity that is running the misleading ad campaign in Durham. Or maybe your just helping them . . . truth or no.
1. The fact is, Citizen, many poor people “eat out” as much as they eat in. It’s confiscatory and regressive. It hurts the poor — all because rich folks want a boondoggle. A baseball museum is not an “essential service,” it is a boondoggle. If it creates value in society, philanthropists and fees will pay for it, not confiscation by Durham’s corrupt politicians.
2. There are people who live in Durham County who commute to neighboring counties, so the reverse is also true. Besides, if you were capturing revenues to be “fair” you would spend it on things those people use, like roads, and not on boondoggles.
3. Don’t give me that “mind your business” line, either. I’m minding the business of innocent people you’re ripping off.