This article about voter fraud in Bald Head Island, North Carolina is a great example of the need for election reform in North Carolina.
And, in this Brunswick Beacon article we get an explanation of North Carolina’s weak voter registration laws and processes. Please note the statement by the State Board of Election’s attorney Don Wright. His claim that a person cannot be registered to vote in more than one county is simply not true. The State’s system runs checks by name, date of birth and driver or social security number. If an individual gives different information or omits information when registering in different counties – the system will not catch the duplicate.
All you have to do is look at the thousands of duplicate records that were removed within the same counties ONLY AFTER the 2008 General Election to know that the North Carolina voter registration system is not infallible. In fact, it is getting weaker with each new law enacted by our progressive/liberal State Legislature.
Election reform is needed now in North Carolina and requiring an official photo ID to cast a ballot is the best first step.
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