President Obama, referring to the federal stimulus bill, said Thursday, "The time for talk is over. The time for action is now."
Ah, yes; nothing exemplifies the spirit of bi-partisanship and unity like declaring "shut up and do what I want."
The real reason Obama wants the bill passed with such haste? Public support is dwindling. The more people learn about this pork-fest, the less they like it.
Related survey data shows that half the nation’s voters say the plan that finally emerges from
Congress may end up doing more harm than good.
Hopefully, this shrinking support reflects the public's growing recognition that government can not "stimulate" the economy or "create" jobs. It can merely transfer wealth around, devalue the dollar, disrupt the economy's production structures, create uncertainty, and prolong the pain.
“Hopefully, this shrinking support reflects the public’s growing recognition that government can not “stimulate” the economy or “create” jobs. It can merely transfer wealth around, devalue the dollar, disrupt the economy’s production structures, create uncertainty, and prolong the pain.”
Be careful Jeff; your concluding statement sounds a lot like Ron Paul.
(Sorry, ;-) I couldn’t resist)