A piece in Townhall.com says a national Gallup poll finds voters have a low opinion of Hillary Clinton’s honesty. In that survey, 21 percent of voters, when asked what they thought of her, gave a response along the lines of: “Dishonest/liar/poor character/don’t trust her.”
A Civitas Poll way back in September found North Carolinians, when asked for their opinions, had an even lower regard for her. Here’s the question and the top five responses:
What single word comes to mind when I mention the name “Hillary Clinton”?
27% Dishonest/ Untrustworthy/ Deceiving/ Liar
11% Dislike her (General)
8% Good/ Like her (General)
6% Strong/ Hard worker/ Determined
6% Crook/ Corrupt/ Criminal
That’s 44 percent who doubt her honesty, and that’s only part of the sample of negatives.
Here’s a graphic on the question:
It’s a long way to remember. But the new Gallup poll just confirms what our poll found: a lot of voters have doubts about her trustworthiness.
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