Yesterday’s News & Observer asked the question: Who’s buying tickets to the NC Lottery? The article validated what many of us already knew: a good portion of the lottery’s steady customers are minorities, with lower salaries and little disposable income.
Funny, if any other program had similar impacts, you can bet – no pun intended — law makers in the majority party would be falling all over themselves to pass some plan to address it. Not here. The state is happy to keep hawking games to those deluded by the hope of hitting the jackpot. And, what does state government do? It just turns away. Preying upon one group to help another is a pretty high price tag. But don’t worry, it’s for education and it’s for “the children”.
Despite what is going on in the us there are lecal hustler like the nc state lotter ask yourself why anyone have ever won the mega vall jackpot in nc or the power ball this state have been spart of the lottery for oversix year now i can’t wait for mit romny to get in office so he can put a stop to this and stop to this the lottery is a scam