One of the more interesting items to come out of our post-election poll was that more NCers now think the state is headed in the right direction than off on the wrong track. 42% said right direction to 41% for wrong track.
In our poll taken the week before the election it was 30-58 in favor of wrong track.
Digging a little deeper into the crosstabs, the big shift comes from African-American voters, who before the election said NC was on the wrong track by a 43-47 margin, now think the state is heading in the right direction by a 59-26 spread.
So basically we've had a 38 point shift in the sentiment of African-American voters about the direction of the state. (Me thinks they are projecting the Obama win to the state level, cause I seriously doubt they have that strong of confidence in the Perdue administration).
Similarly, white voters while still thinking the state is headed in the wrong direction by a 38-45% margin, have had a 27 point swing towards right track. Prior to the election, the margin was 27-61%.
What this says to me is voters may be setting very high expectations for Obama to really turn things around. Do voters have unreasonable expectations of how much "change" Obama is going to be able to bring about in a short amount of time. It will be interesting to see how much leeway he is given if a year or two from now, things haven't gotten much better with the economy.
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