NEA: It’s Not Your Mother and Father’s Teachers Union
Earlier this year the National Education Association (NEA) named Governor Easley “America’s Greatest Education Governor.” The award raised lots of eye brows including mine and I wrote my thoughts in a piece available on our web site. While Easley has never been shy about helping the teachers unions and soliciting their help and financial contributions around election time, I wonder if he supports the increasingly radical political and social agenda now being advocated by the NEA. (The NEA Spells Out Its Policies).
NEA’s unwavering commitment to implementing the homosexual agenda in the public schools is particularly disturbing. Review NEA documents addressing the areas of homosexuality, sexual orientation, hate speech and nondiscrimination — and there are plenty of them — and you can see why and how NEA plans to politicize your children’s schools. The connections between NEA and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) are hard to miss. In addition, GLSEN has been involved with a number of initiatives in NC schools to promote homosexuality in the schools. Earlier this year NEA and the American Psychological Association produced the booklet, Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth. The booklet distributed to all 16,000 U.S. School districts declares, “homosexuality is a normal expression of human sexuality.” Simply put, this book is an attempt to silence all discussion on the topic that homosexuality is a condition that can be changed.
NEA preaches inclusivity, diversity and respect for all political and religious beliefs. However, where is the respect for teachers who don’t want their union dues to encourage a lifestyle they oppose? Where is respect for teachers and parents who oppose homosexuality activity on moral grounds? Are these views included in NEAs message? It’s difficult to miss the hypocrisy.
At a time when schools are afflicted with a myriad of academic problems that cry for attention, why the NEA chooses to embrace a radical political agenda is mystifying. These developments say much about the organization’s real priorities. They also shout why parents, teachers and citizens ought to oppose the NEA at every step.
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