A video released today looks at the popular Netflix series “House of Cards” to illustrate a basic economic truth: in public policy, we and our leaders are motivated by our own goals, not the public good.
The video is part of the EconPop web series on YouTube.
“House of Cards isn’t just a wildly entertaining show, it reveals a truth that politicians stay humans even after they’re elected,” said executive producer John Papola. “As we explain in this week’s EconPop episode, government is just a collection of people that want to be reelected. It’s why people typically love their own Congressmen but hate everyone else’s.”
In short, this witty video explains why our public finances look like a house of cards. As the character Frank Underwood exemplifies, public officials are motivated by private concerns, including getting reelected. And we voters are motivated by our own concerns too.
If you’d like to know more about John Papola’s work, he’ll be speaking Saturday, March 29 at the Conservative Leadership Conference. He’s one of a stellar list of Saturday speakers, including Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Heritage Foundation economist Stephen Moore, talk show host Jason Lewis, health care expert Michael Cannon, and many more.
To sign up for the conference, click here.
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