Over at the Dome, they have:
340 — The number of illegal immigrants studying at North Carolina’s community colleges. That’s roughly one-tenth of one percent of the 271,000 degree-seeking students in the system.
Cute. Good thing it’s a blog. A shame, but the "newspapers" have been reporting this, too. I thought reporters were supposed to get to the bottom of things, not shovel out favored narratives and – in all likelihood – false numbers. In the interests of journalistic integrity, here’s a much more accurate re-wording:
340 — The number of illegal immigrants studying at N.C.’s community colleges who actually admitted publically to being illegal — given the option on their application forms (assuming the community colleges themselves aren’t fudging any numbers). That’s roughly one-tenth of one percent of the 271,000 degree-seeking students in the system who were both attending illegally and being honest.
– Max Borders
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