Well, it has been seven months since the inauguration of BHO and he has finally gotten around to gutting the 287g program. As used by seven North Carolina counties (Alamance, Cabarrus, Cumberland, Gaston, Henderson, Mecklenburg and Wake) the program authorizes sheriff's staff to interview any person booked into their jails to determine if they are lawfully present.
If they are found to be illegal aliens, they serve their local time and are them turned over to the feds for deportation.
The Obama administration has rewritten the agreements with the counties and now turns more illegals loose back into North Carolina. The Charlotte Observer ran the story but left out some of the more damning details (naturally). But not to worry. Representative Sue Myrick's Chief of Staff, Hal Weatherman calls the unObserver on the carpet at his blog.
Here's the quick and dirty:
programs nationwide were presented with a revised Memorandum of
Agreement by the Obama Administration.
The MOA says that local
287g programs like Mecklenburg and Gaston are no longer to turn over to
ICE "minor offenders" who happen to be illegal. Specifically, the MOA
says that no illegal alien without a prior criminal conviction will be
deported. The key words here are "prior criminal conviction."
Why would BHO turn illegals loose? Maybe he needs more of them here so they can be counted in the "uninsured" catagory. Good catch Hal. I'm glad somebody is watching.
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