For parents still wondering if teaching sex ed to
kindergartners is good for the kids, stop worrying. ABC News reported on
Thursday that presidential candidate Barack Obama told Planned Parenthood:
“It’s the right thing to do” as long as it’s “age appropriate.” As if it could
ever be age appropriate to teach sex ed to five-year-olds.
Curiously, when asked about sex education for teenagers, Mr.
Obama refused to comment. The Democrat presidential candidate said he respects
and honors young people who choose to delay sexual activity. Yet, he also
believes our current policy of teaching abstinence-only in the schools leaves
all sexually active 15- to 19-year-olds in ignorance. Huh? Mr. Obama’s
insistence on not offending leaves him blind to the simple truth. Abstinence IS
really the best sex ed policy. It IS the antidote for ignorance. The social
science research confirms what parents have long known. That many adolescents
choose to ignore this truth is disappointing. Still, it doesn’t change the fact
that abstinence is still the best way for kids to protect themselves and to
ensure the healthy emotional development of young people. Mr. Obama should
acknowledge those facts, instead of shilling for Planned Parenthood.
Bob Luebke
“Nobody’s suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it,’ Obama said. ‘If they ask a teacher ‘where do babies come from,’ that providing information that the fact is that it’s not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing.”
He also talked about perhaps teaching young children the difference between “appropriate” and “inappropriate” touching from adults. God forbid we teach our kids how to avoid child molestors. Also, he was sure to point out that any sex education should be controlled by individual communities and that parents should always have the opportunity to opt out.
From here it looks like you are just looking for excuses to attack Obama because you already dislike him.
I wish we would stop having this argument about the “truths” of teaching sex ed, and instead have it on the basis of parental choice.