Today President Obama will host a “jobs summit” in order to “sound out ideas for accelerating job growth during the worst labor market in a generation.”
So, let me get this straight. Obama spent three terms as a State Senator in Illinois, three years as a U.S. Senator, campaigned for almost an entire year to be President, was elected President and sworn in almost 11 months ago, and thinks so highly of himself that he published not one but two autobiographies by the age of 45 . In spite all of this, he still has no idea what public policy climate is most conducive to job creation?
Fact is, this “summit” is just for show. Obama already knows what he wants to do to “create jobs”: more government spending, more central planning, more government redistribution, concessions to big labor and other special interests, and less freedom.
I hope to be proved wrong, but doubt that I will.
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