In light of the so-called "Voter-Owned Elections Act" being approved by the House over the weekend, the taxpayers of North Carolina might want a little heads up on just who is behind the nationwide movement helping to bring taxpayer subsidized campaigns to our state. One such organization is the Tides Foundation, a group that receives funding from socialist billionaire George Soros, and Theresa Heinz-Kerry, wife of Senator John Kerry. Furthermore, sitting on its Board is Wade Rathke, a former activist of the socialist group Students for a Democratic Society. Rathke is also the founder of the far-left group ACORN, an organization that has made nationwide headlines for its involvement in voter fraud. John Fund has an excellent piece in the Journal documenting some of ACORN’s recent actions. Among the highlights include:
But the most interesting news came out of Seattle, where on Thursday local prosecutors indicted seven workers for Acorn, a union-backed activist group that last year registered more than 540,000 low-income and minority voters nationwide and deployed more than 4,000 get-out-the-vote workers. The Acorn defendants stand accused of submitting phony forms in what Secretary of State Sam Reed says is the "worst case of voter-registration fraud in the history" of the state.
Fund continues, regarding a fraudulent voter drive by ACORN in Kansas City:
Of the 1,805 names submitted by Acorn, only nine have been confirmed as valid, and another 34 are still being investigated. The rest–over 97%–were fake.
The list of voter fraud violations ACORN has been investigated or indicted for is quite lengthy. I bring this up mainly to point out the hypocrisy of those in the "one person, one vote" crowd in support of taxpayer financed election campaigns. I guess when they say "one person," that person can be imaginary, dead, a convicted felon, or perhaps a TV character.
Maybe once "voter-owned" elections are forced upon us for all statewide campaigns, we can expect these folks to use ACORN-type tactics to scrounge up the qualifying contributions for their hand-picked candidates in order to demonstrate "public support". So now your tax dollars not only may be used to fund candidates with whom you disagree, but also candidates who qualified for public subsidies via the contributions of a few fat-cats using hundreds of fake names.
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