Lately there has been a lot of media coverage and commentary concerning the UNC BOG review of centers affiliated with the various UNC constituent schools. This ongoing review is an excellent example of the type of oversight the BOG should be exercising over our university system to ensure it is adhering to its primary mission of education and research – not indulging in advocacy.
The newspapers and liberal activist groups loudly decrying and protesting this review did their best to keep you from even serving on the UNC BOG. They opposed the Republican legislative majority when it was elected in 2010 and have fought it ever since. If these critics had their way, the Republicans would not be in control and you would not have been elected to your seat on the BOG.
Your constituency is the citizens of North Carolina who trust you to do what is best for them and the university. Many of these centers exist specifically to engage in taxpayer-supported advocacy of ideologies that are almost always at complete odds with what the majority of North Carolinians believe. Regardless of whether that advocacy is liberal or conservative, it belongs in private, non-taxpayer supported organizations – like the Civitas Institute.
If you listen to the critics and do what they want, you will have essentially allowed them to negate the will of the electorate expressed over three separate elections. So please keep up your work and remember how you got there. I trust you will do the right thing. For more information on this issue, you can go here or go here.
Col Francis X. De Luca USMCR(Ret)
Civitas Institute
919.834.2099 |
no one cares that deluca can write a letter to UNC Bog. Typical retired Col. Mentality. Too thinned skinned for a marine but then again you are an old white angry man.
Who cares that Julia Roberts can write a letter to UNC blog?As a tax supported University the Col.has more right to blog than someone who went to UNC and got the Progressive,Liberal,Socialist,brainwashing that UNC is now famous for.I’am sure he has paid a lot in taxes to support this University and like me is not to happy with left leaning Professors.So,I would say there are a lot of angry old white men out there.They had a lot to do with the last election.I’am guessing Julia is not happy with that outcome.Good!
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