A recent poll out of Elon University confirms that North Carolinians “overwhelmingly support” voter photo ID legislation. According to the News and Observer, “The Elon University Poll found that 75 percent support voter ID provisions in a bill being considered in the legislature and 80 percent think it is fair.”
The Elon poll corroborates Civitas Institute polls that consistently reveal huge support for voter photo ID. In the December 2010 Civitas poll, 84 percent of respondents supported the idea. The breakdown of the Civitas Poll shows 96 percent Republicans, 86 percent unaffiliated voters and 73 percent of Democrats support a voter photo ID. The breakdown further reveals that 89 percent of white voters and 68 percent of African-American voters support voter photo ID. Civitas Polls and Elon University Polls differ in that Civitas only polls registered voters while Elon polls residents of North Carolina.
While opponents, extremely liberal groups (including the State Board of Elections and mainstream media outlets), want everyone to believe this is a partisan and racist issue, the people of North Carolina know better. The people of our State know that it only makes sense (C O M M O N – S E N S E) to ask someone for a photo ID before giving them a ballot.
I absolutely agree!! And am baffled that something so important, as the right for every legal citizen to vote, isn’t taken seriously enough to require a photo ID. How can we guarantee a valid system without the assurance that each vote cast is a valid, legal entity. In my opinion, even just ONE illegitimate or fraudulent vote is cause to have this bill (HB 351) implemented into our system!! It’s time for our government to take a stance and work to improve it’s image (thievery and corruption) to our citizens and our fellow countrymen.