Government must be more accountable to the people. The state's business must be conducted in the sunshine, to inspire confidence, not cynicism.
Gov. Beverly Perdue, 01.10.09
Welcome words from North Carolina’s new governor Beverly Perdue. While we expect to have our policy differences, we welcome and applaud the governor’s efforts to bring greater transparency to NC state government. Executive Order No. 4, OPENBOOK GOVERNMENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA is a step in the right direction. The order creates a searchable web site on state spending for grants and contracts over $10,000. Still I wonder, doesn’t the public have a right to know how ALL money is spent? So why limit the database to grants and contracts? States like Kansas and Texas are showing others that it is possible to develop comprehensive systems to track all state revenue and expenditures – and save millions of taxpayer dollars in the process. The technology is there. Hopefully the political will is too.
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