In recent weeks Governor Perdue has been expending considerable effort telling the state's teachers and educators that she is working to protect teacher jobs and that she'll oppose efforts to raise class size or reduce teacher pay.
That said, one wonders how teachers feel about the $950,000 appropriation for Teach for America (TFA) in the Governor's Budget. Interestingly, the TFA budget has more than doubled in two years (in 2007-08 state appropriations totalled $400,000). According to the Teach for America web site, this year more than 160 Teach for America (TFA) members are working in Durham, Granville, Halifax, Johnston, Nash, Northampton, Vance and Warren counties. Beginning this fall, TFA will also begin placing teachers in Bertie and Edgecombe school districts.
Doesn't TFA limit educational opportunities for NC teachers who are without employment? TFA can only be justified on the basis of a teacher shortage. If that's the case, the same conditions are also likely to – or should — mitigate the impacts of teacher layoffs. Seems like the Governor wants it both ways.
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