In the timeless nattering of the politician (quoted from this piece by Democrat handmaidens WRAL):
"Some people are not going to be happy, but they go home and say, ‘I didn’t want this, but how could I vote against my university getting a new building they so desperately needed or I supported teacher raises and I support insurance for children,’" said Sen. Linda Garrou, D-Forsyth, one of the chief budget negotiators.
Desperately needed buildings like what? A new university library that will cost double by the time the full debt is paid? A library that will be obsolete by the time its built, much less paid for (Google is currently digitizing Harvard’s library right now.) Or how about another student union? This wonderful compromise budget has $500 million in COPs and $300 million in capital spending for all these desperately needed goodies. Among the transfer tax, the Medicaid Swap, and the now-permanent "temporary" tax, where was the compromise? Oh, it was a compromise among legislators about where all the pork went.
Meanwhile the left whines incessantly about “special interests” giving $4,000 contributions to campaigns. But that’s a drop in the bucket when budget writers can give you millions in pork to secure your vote. Sickening.
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