Politi-Fact has set out to research NC House Speaker Tim Moore’s assertion that 80 percent of North Carolinians think bathrooms should be separated by biological gender. Is this true? False? Half-true?
Well never fear- PolitiFact is on top of it- a non-partisan, unbiased examination of the facts, right?
A close look at PolitiFact’s evaluation finds that for a fact-checker, they have a pretty clear bias and disdain for actual facts.
Here is their determination:
Speaker: House Speaker Tim Moore
Statement: Eighty percent of North Carolinians support “the concept that men should not be in women’s restrooms, changing rooms, bathrooms, etc.”
Ruling: Two polls by a conservative polling group found 70 and 80 percent of the public oppose letting transgender people use the bathroom of their choice, although we had some serious doubts about the question that found the 80 percent support. Two polls from a less partisan pollster in partnership with TV stations have found 56 percent and 51 percent of North Carolinians share that opposition. We rate this claim Half True.
Granted, if Speaker Moore was referencing our poll, he exaggerated the results by a few points. But PolitiFact’s determination that Moore’s statement is “half true” is based on the “fact” that our polling is biased and unreliable, unlike two polls by “the less partisan SurveyUSA” that are suddenly more reliable because they show slightly different results (and different questions.)
The problem with that?
The Civitas poll that found that 69 percent of voters felt the Charlotte ordinance was “unreasonable and unsafe” was a SurveyUSA poll.
It’s terribly convenient to claim the only legitimate pollster is SurveyUSA– unless there’s a SurveyUSA poll that proves you wrong. The fact is that both our National Research Inc. and SurveyUSA polls have found that an overwhelming majority of North Carolinians wanted action taken after Charlotte passed an unsafe ordinance that jeopardized privacy and safety, and they don’t want men and women to have to share locker room, bathroom and shower facilities.
Maybe PolitiFact should reconsider dismissing our SurveyUSA poll as unreliable. And maybe they’ll correct their “fact check.”
Sorry, PolitiFact, but you can’t decide something is not fact based on whether or not you LIKE the poll.
Lonnie says
You don’t poll human rights or civil rights. This is the question, do transgender citizens get the protection of the US Constitution and are they afforded full citizenship rights, liberty and freedom?
Lonnie says
The fact Civitas Institute staff are proud they have been able to push a false narrative to convince the general public Transgender citizens are somehow dangerous. Civitas Institute’s other false narrative is that transgender citizens having legal rights to the restroom of their gender identity somehow is a wholesale invitation to sexual predators and “Men in the Little Girls restroom”.
Sexual predators are most often going to be found hiding in the most vocal place of opposition to LBGT human rights, the Republican Party and evangelical churches. Sexual predators need time, opportunity and often the trust of parents, public restrooms offer none of the above.
How is Civitas Institute working in the interest of society when they are willing to label a 10 year old transgender child, who is already bullied at school, as a pervert, sub human, a freak, unworthy of US Constitutional protection?
The writers at Civitas Institute are professional as they craft propaganda designed to reduce human right, promote bigotry, racism, ignorance, voter suppression but polish it to sell to the general public, deodorize it so it doesn’t smell like fascism, Plutocracy or Theocracy.
That why I love the post by Pinto, he rips the packaging off and exposes the ugliness of hate mongering bigotry.
Do any of you writers have trouble sleeping as most of you likely know what you write is BS.
A.P. Dillon says
No one is pushing the narrative that transgender people are dangerous except for those opposing HB2. It was started by the opposition when the danger posed from ANY predator was raised by the Charlotte ordinance.
Do try to keep your facts straight.
Lonnie says
A.P. Dillon
What danger? How are citizens safer now? What has actually been changed other that fear, lost jobs, lost reputation, lost customers, lost revenue and increased hostility toward the LBGT citizens? Read the comments posted here by those who buy Civitas Institute’s fear. Yes, the writer did a fine jobs of hyping fear without personally touching the actual feces, that’s why they were hired. They are great writers of propaganda but they need to take an ethics course.
Larry says
You still can’t fix stupid.
Audiomind says
Lonnie: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/07/convicted-sex-offender-leads-transgender-rights-effort-north-carolina/
Lonnie says
Audiomind the event you refer to happened at a church event between a young church councilor and a a 15 year old youth.
This has nothing to do with the constitutional rights of transgender citizens.
Transgender citizens having access to the restroom of their gender identity pose a far less threat to society than children attending an evangelical church events.
Pinto says
Another inconvenient fact to which Lonnie still has no answer:
Lonnie, you misogynist bigot, why do you hate girls and women so much?
Pinto says
More inconvenient facts to which Lonnie has no answer:
It’s about giving sexual predators better access to their victims, of course, which is why that child-abusing misogynist bigot Lonnie has to resort to fallacious guilt-by-association smears and personal attacks against us when we point out to him how he and his fellow gaystapo goose-steppers are enabling sexual predators.
If you learn nothing else from watching Lonnie lie and lie and lie about his real motives for opposing girls and women’s privacy and security, learn this: where some groups hate people for their ethnicity or race or sex or religion or politics or the like, leftards like Lonnie hate all humanity. At some times, such as right now, they hate some portions of it more than others. Right now, Lonnie hates Christians, Republicans, girls, and women more than anyone else; but they still hate everyone else.
Come another day when we’re discussing whether Muslims should be allowed to impose Shariah law on our state (or country) and execute sexual deviants by throwing them off high buildings, Lonnie will start focusing his greatest hatred on trannies, homosexuals, lesbians, and anyone else who opposes Islamic rule; but he’ll still hate all the rest of us for our opposition to government-sponsored misogyny and child abuse today. That’s because that’s what he and all leftards are: bigots and haters of all humanity.
Pinto says
Oh yes, you know how Chad Sevearance, who wrote Charlotte’s evil ordinance, is a convicted sex offender, right? Did you know that Terry Bean, who founded the HRC, one the humanity-hating goose-stepping gaystapo hate groups attacking HB2 right now, is also a child molester who bribed his victim to drop the case against him?
You know, tranny delusions are pretty awful, but the vast majority of that vanishing minority are a danger mostly only to themselves. (Being disillusioned of their delusions tends to cause trannies to commit suicide.) The real danger to everyone (male and female alike) is clearly from hate groups run by far-left sexual predators, such as NAMBLA, GLSEN, HRC, the ACLU, the SPLC, and the DNC… to name just a few.
Pinto says
Another orgy of facts and evidence to which Lonnie has never yet offered any real answer:
Pinto says
Of course, there’s also this evergreen reminder that the greatest threat of all to children is the government “schools” on which Lonnie and his fellow child abusers are looking to impose further sex-offender-enabling laws:
These are just reports on the government “schools” in North Carolina, mind you; imagine how much abuse that adds up to nationwide!
Pinto says
Yeah, I sure have exposed the ugliness of your hate-mongering bigotry, haven’t I, Lonnie?
Pinto says
Here’s some more of that leftard “civility” Lonnie has been hypocritically lecturing us about:
Since you’ve often exhorted us to follow the Golden Rule, Lonnie, which states we are to do unto others as we would have them do unto us… I guess you must be a really hard-core masochist. You really must know by now that most of your opponents don’t share your desire to be threatened with bodily harm, however.
Larry says
Here is something else Lonnie won’t have an answer for.David Limbaugh is Rush’s younger brother. He’s got a law degree and a degree in political science. He has been a professor, is an author, has served in political capacities, and is regarded as an expert in law and politics. The man is an extremely articulate and eloquent wordsmith with what appears to be a superlative talent for framing his arguments in visceral terms. His discussion below pretty much puts America ‘s political scene, as being impacted by Trump, into crystal clear focus.
The Establishment birthed Trump!
Much of the establishment’s criticism of Donald Trump comes from its failure to comprehend the reasons for his soaring popularity. Establishment types seem untroubled by the problems facing America , so they can’t understand the urgency that fathered Trump’s rise. Minor adjustments to the Hindenburg’s dining room menu just aren’t going to get it.
Their overwrought analysis, their hand-wringing and their contemptuousness for Trump betray a disdain not only for Trump but for Americans who recognize the gravity of America ‘s predicament — and who, in desperation, have turned to Trump for bold action.
It’s hard to overstate Americans’ concern for the state of the nation. Horrified by President Obama’s Sherman-esque march through America , they are tired of hearing that nothing can be done. They are through with empty promises from establishment politicians.
People are tired of Obama’s pitting blacks against whites, women against men, gays against heterosexuals, rich against poor, non-taxpayers against taxpayers, citizens against cops and his Muslims against Christians. They can no longer stomach Obama’s apologizing for America and excusing terrorists while rushing to attack Christians at every turn.
People are sick of being called racists for things that happened in this country before they were born or before they could vote, for opposing Obama’s destructive agenda, or for simply being Republicans. They abhor the war on cops orchestrated by racial hucksters and pandering politicians. They are incredulous that any president would deliberately engineer America ‘s decline and degrade our military. They are tired of the nation’s chief executive officer’s flouting laws and thwarting the people’s will.
Americans are sick of Obama’s trashing America ‘s founding, assaulting capitalism, and bellowing about man-made global warming as a pretense to impose more liberty-smothering regulations. They are nauseated by politicians who are more interested in bipartisanship with scofflaws than with saving the nation.
People are mortified by the nation’s fiscal instability, its unbridled national debt, its spiraling entitlements and Washington ‘s refusal to address them. They are sick of the fraudulent spending “cuts.” They have had their fill of the lies, especially about Obamacare, whose costs dwarf Obama’s promised projections and are getting worse by the day. They’ve reached their limit with this administration’s rewarding unemployment and laziness while punishing work, its honoring socialism and demonizing capitalism.
People are sick of politically correct bullies. They are exhausted by lectures about not paying their fair share when half the income earners don’t pay income taxes. They are fed up with lies about decreasing unemployment rates when tens of millions have dropped out of the workforce.
Every other week, we face a new existential threat to the nation — threats perpetrated or enabled by Obama and the Washington establishment. But the establishment meets these perils with barely disguised indifference. Islamic terrorism is overrunning the Middle East and has reached our mainland, and Obama doesn’t dare whisper its name. Obama refuses to enforce the borders; he orders his administration not to enforce immigration laws; he lawlessly grants amnesty to millions of immigrants who are here illegally; and he and his party set up sanctuary cities that harbor criminal immigrants.
Last year, we faced an invasion from Central America ; now, in the name of compassion, we are inviting in Syrian refugees — some 72 percent of whom are, curiously, men. Are we afraid to wonder aloud whether those who sidestep the legal immigration process will embrace the American idea.? Whether they will end up on the welfare rolls.?
With Congress’ help, Obama bypassed the Constitution’s treaty clause and entered into a reckless, non-verifiable nuke deal with Iran and will give the Iranians a $150 billion signing bonus to fund terrorism and build ballistic missiles.
So where does that leave us.?
People have heard one too many times that the Republican Party, if it regains control, will turn things around. Republicans have been so timid in opposing Obama’s agenda that many have quit believing they’ll reverse this madness if they acquire full control.
Along comes Trump, who gives voice to these legitimate grievances instead of calling people racist, selfish or hysterical. He emphasizes the urgency of these problems, and he denounces the status quo, the establishment, Washington inertia and political correctness without an ounce of apology. People are dehydrated, and he’s their Gatorade®. j > Whether Trump could or would deliver on his promises is one thing, but the establishment’s arrogant failure to acknowledge, let alone decry the horror of, the status quo is his lifeblood.
If Trump is a monster, the establishment is Dr. Frankenstein, so please spare us the lectures.
Larry says
Hey Lonnie,why didn’t Target just do it this way.Your concern for Trannys is just a smoke screen to get yourself in the ladies room.On April 19, 2016, Target Corporation announced that people are welcome to use the bathrooms and fitting rooms of their choice, regardless of their biological gender. Under Target’s new policy, a man can decide to visit the women’s bathroom or fitting room whenever he chooses. No one can stop him. Besides defying common sense, Target’s decision puts guests at risk. History has shown this is one of the ways sexual predators get access to their victims.
Target Already Had a Solution for Transgender Persons
Our opposition to Target’s policy is not about transgender persons. Its comes from the fact that Target’s policy opens the door for sexual predators to take advantage of women and children. Most Target stores currently have unisex bathrooms. These bathrooms are available to individuals who self-identify as transgender persons. But this was not good enough for Target. Target had to show they were “progressive” and “politically correct”, even if it meant endangering women and children!
Larry says
Hey Lonnie,
I’am sorry you were bullied at school.I guess there are a lot of kids that don’t like degenerates too.
A.P. Dillon says
Dear Lonnie,
Women’s concern over being assaulted in a shower, locker room or restroom is very real. Perhaps you should stop marginalizing something you have zero experience with. Makes you look kind of like a monster, you know.
Out of curiosity…
Do you think we should also do away with breaking and entering laws? After all, they don’t actually stop criminals from burglarizing your car or home.
Larry says
Very good,A.P.
We both know that it won’t get through.Get ready for some scapegoat,false narrative,and 20 more points of drivel.YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID.
Lonnie says
A. P. Dillion
Good to see the Good people at Civitas Institute are not hyping fear at the expense of transgender human rights.
After the Civil War,a false narrative of black men as sexual predators looking for white women to rape leading to the terrorism of the Jim Crow era, voter suppression, human rights abuse and the lynching, torture and additional human rights abuse of over 4,000 African American men.
Lets go back to your earlier statement.
Unjustified fear doesn’t justify marginalizing and entire group of innocent citizens.
“No one is pushing the narrative that transgender people are dangerous except for those opposing HB2. ” A. P. Dillion
Larry says
To show how out of touch Lonnie is, his choice for President,Bernie Sanders.Old Bernie has been speaking for years about how great Castro and the Sandinistas and Hugo Chavez are.Venezuela has voted in the Democratic Socialists that Lonnie says he is.When they voted in this Sanders type of government there were 25% in poverty.Now,after a few long years they have 75% in poverty.This is what people like Lonnie want for you.
George says
Wow … AP Dillion and Larry… double fun here!
Larry says
Glad you liked it,Georgie boy.
Pinto says
You know, you bigoted misogynist gaystapo goose-steppers opposing HB2, if you don’t want more fear-mongering and hate-mongering, maybe you should stop doing it:
It would help if you’d stop making death threats against your opponents just for wanting to protect girls and women from sexual predators too.
Pinto says
This must be more of that “civility” the hypocritical fear-and-hate-mongering misogynist bigots opposing HB2 keep flinging at us:
Where’s your Golden Rule now, Lonnie?
Pinto says
Here again is the bill North Carolina’s people overwhelmingly support, which Lonnie and his fellow child-abusing gaystapo goose-stepping sexual-predation-supporting criminals at Anonymous evidently don’t want you to be allowed to read:
Pinto says
Meanwhile, another reminder of what crimes Lonnie and his fellow child-abusing bigots at Target have been enabling:
When are you going to stop enabling sexual predators, Lonnie?
Pinto says
Doesn’t Lisa Stickles have a right to privacy and safety, Lonnie? Why are you anti-Constitutional leftard misogynist bigots so determined to take her human rights away for the sake of enabling potential predators like this decidedly non-tranny dude?
Larry says
You and I both know Lonnie doesn’t answer mine and your links because he has no answers except the same commie crap that he gets from Huffington Post and other left wing sites.I’am sure he doesn’t read ours anyway.But,the reason I do this is possibly there are other socialists with a little more open mind that will read and understand just what communism or socialism have done to countries that have gone to it.What we as American people need to do is realize that this crazy stuff is coming from colleges and put pressure on them to have both sides represented.After all,we taxpayers are paying for a part of these little darlings education.
Pinto says
Well, I don’t know as how I’ve ever met any kind of left-winger or socialist (I know, that’s practically a distinction without a difference) with anything even remotely resembling an open mind, but every time you have a poll on any political subject, there’s always that sliver of respondents who say “maybe” or “undecided” or “don’t know” who might still be open to persuasion. On HB2, the bathroom bandit bigots have been spewing their propaganda nonstop, insisting that we’re just being mean to trannies and couldn’t possibly have any other motive. When that propaganda is all the undecided spectators see, they might well to easily be persuaded we don’t have any nobler motives.
When we fire back with actual news articles and arguments showing that yes, sexual predators can and do use bad laws like the Charlotte ordinance to gain access to their prey, and no, HB2 is not being mean to trannies (and no, trannies do not have any moral or legal right to special accommodations for their self-deluding lifestyles the pervert privilege pushers are demanding), that blows all of our enemies’ lies out of the water. All Lonnie and his fellow bullies can do is repeat their lies again and try to silence us… which you’ll notice is pretty much what Lonnie and George have been doing. That’s why I continue posting links every time those fools open their mouths: not to persuade them, but to persuade anyone reading these articles who might be ignorant enough to buy into the left’s fallacies and falsehoods.
Larry says
You have been doing a great job of showing just how old Lonnie and his buddie’s lie.You are doing it for the same reason I am.You and I know you will never get through to someone like old Lonnie.Notice how he disappears when you show him all the examples of what he says never happens with these degenerates.But,like a bad check,he always comes back.I will never give up trying to educate these uneducated Gimmedats and over the years have converted quite a few.
Larry says
I guess the troll brothers are out looking for a false narrative or a sow what you reap.Have not seen their incoherent drivel in a couple of days.Maybe we showed them to be lying so many times they don’t want to show themselves.