Almost a year to the date that the State Legislature overrode a veto by the Governor in a late-night session, Wake County Circuit Court Judge Paul Gessner ruled that legislation prohibiting the state from collecting membership funds for the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) via dues check off was unconstitutional (see article). Judge Gessner agreed with NCAE attorneys who argued the law unlawfully targeted the largest teachers association in North Carolina. It’s no secret NCAE has been a focus of many Republican law makers because of its strong support for Democratic candidates and causes.
Eighteen months ago, I wrote of my support for the bill (SB 727) eliminating dues check off legislation. However, I favored government eliminating the practice of dues check off for all entities. Government shouldn’t play favorites.
Such sentiment found its way to the floor. Nevertheless, an amendment to do so failed. Of course I understand there were political reasons to vote against the amendment. However I wonder if they justify today’s outcome?
No word yet on how the legislature will respond.
Gessner’s ridiculous decision needs to be overridden just as Perdue’s veto was. Let the NCAE figure out some other way to collect dues rather than using the state as their collecting and processing agent! The NCAE is NOT a part of state government!