A closer look at some the votes during the Thomas Wright expulsion special session raised a few eyebrows. The amendment that would have censured Wright instead of expelling him had some interesting supporters. The Twelve members voted in favor of the amendment were mostly members of the Legislative Black Caucus though two were not.
Greensboro Democrat Maggie Jeffus was one of "ayes." Understandably, she had a tough time with the vote since she has shared a desk with Wright for a number of years and considers him a friend.
Rep. Drew Saunders is another case altogether. He’s currently being challenged in the Democrat primary by Nick Mackey. Mackey has gained a following since being shot down for the job of Sheriff of Mecklenburg County by the NC Democrat Party.
Mackey is a candidate to watch. Despite his professional troubles in the past, he has come away from the Sheriff’s debacle motivated and well known in a district that is 38% African American against a white incumbent.
Was Drew Saunders trying to head off an attack from Mackey’s supporters by supporting the lesser sanction against another African American legislator? Stay tuned.
Drew Saunders will pander to anyone about anything. He has no ethics.
He has been trying to help a black female lobbyist who is in trouble for harrassment of white people in her job. Estherine Davis has been getting support from Richard Morgan and Drew Saunders to stay afloat in a job. Another move to attract black voters?