Just a reminder that if you are not registered to vote, you can still do so and cast a ballot at the same time beginning tomorrow.
All you will need to bring with you to vote is one of the following pieces of "identification":
A North Carolina driver’s license with current address
A utility bill with name and current address
A telephone or mobile phone bill
An electric or gas bill
A cable television bill
A water or sewage bill
A document with name and current address from a local, state, or U.S. government agency, such as:
A passport
A government-issued photo ID
U.S. military ID
A license to hunt, fish, own a gun, etc.
A property or other tax bill
Automotive or vehicle registration
Certified documentation of naturalization
A public housing or Social Service Agency document
A check, invoice, or letter from a government agency
A birth certificate
A student photo ID along with a document from the school showing the student’s name and current address
A paycheck or paycheck stub from an employer or a W-2 statement
A bank statement or bank-issued credit card statement
According to the NC General Statutes, there doesn’t seem to be any clarity on whether any of the utility bills you use for "identification" have to be current, or could be, say, 6 months old.
I have a letter from the NC Department of Administration they sent to me because I forgot to pay my $1 parking fee in a government parking lot. According to the law, that is good enough for them to allow me to register to vote.
Welcome to ACORN’s world.
Other forms of “identification” include:
1) A cabbage leaf
2) Rook from a chess set
3) Used shingles (4)
4) Hair gel (super hold)
5) Can of Progresso vegetable soup
6) Static electricity
7) Helium balloon