A previous Civitas blog post reported that Rocky Mount City Councilman and Witness Wednesday arrestee Andre Knight made comments which could easily be interpreted as calling a community leader a racist. This happened when that community leader was presenting a petition for the City of Rocky Mount to have a public hearing on whether or not the city should build a proposed Event Center downtown. Wait a minute there is more to the story.
In the meeting, which took place Jan. 13, there was a proposal put forth to approve $67,430 to include a study that would be run by Visions Inc. Senator Angela Bryant (D- Nash) runs this organization, and Rocky Mount City Councilman Lamont Wiggins is on the board. The Rocky Mount Telegram reported that “(t)he intent of the plan was to assist the city in recognizing the importance of a diverse workforce reflective of the community as much as possible allowing the city to better understand and respond to citizens,” said Assistant City Manager Ann Wall in a memorandum to City Manager Charles Penny. “The intent of the plan was also to establish a workplace which values employees and encourages their development.” The study was approved that night, since September of 2012 the City of Rocky Mount will have spent $413,220 just on studies for the City and for building of the proposed $43.6 million Event Center. Citizens in the community are beginning to become upset that the city is spending the taxpayers’ money not only to help a local Senator and City Councilman but to also build an Event Center that is of questionable value.
Another thing to look at about the Visions study that was approved was the fact that it passed the City Council with a voice vote. Some said “Aye”, no one said “No”, and no one recused themselves. If LaMont Wiggins is on the board for Visions Inc. wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest for him to vote on the approval of the study?
Welcome to rocky mount
This is outrageous to me. Was 400,000
Dollars of advise not enough, now you need another $69,000 worth of advise?
Think what 1/2 million dollars could do for people in Rocky Mount who are struggling to pay these enormous light bills in Ry. Mt. But, my goodness we have a large stack of paper to show for all this money. Oh, yes , I guess L’amont & Bryant have a bigger checking account to show!!
When people asked me where I lived back in the 60’s and earlier I was PROUD to tell them Rocky Mount. I was always careful to add the NC since there is a Rocky Mount in Virginia too. Today and for some time I am SO happy that I don’t live in Rocky Mount NC.
Once again, Rocky Mount is being screwed at the taxpayers expense.
Just reading the descriptions of the “intent of the plan” is enough to make you laugh out loud and say… what ?? That’s the real problem with politics today… DC or small town. The players figure out a way to get themselves elected or appointed to a spot at the trough, then proceed to fill it with taxpayer funded slop for all. But what the hey, it’s not their money, is it !! LOLOL !!
If you have to have that many “studies” done to see if it makes sense to go with the “event center” it’s probably not a good idea. These people are just lining their pockets with money. They know exactly what they’re doing. Somebody needs to stand up to these crooks and stop this crap. It’s nothing but BS politics. The money put into the “event center” will never be recouped. Do the math! There is no way Rocky Mount will ever get a return on this. People on the board should not have any personal interest in these decisions. Andre Knight is the biggest racist around, so both black & white need to look at the whole picture here.