For the last several years we’ve heard quite a bit about how Republican budget cuts are crippling public education. How bad have they been? The chart below is from the 2017 edition Highlights of the North Carolina Public School Budget. It lists general fund appropriations for K-12 public education from 2002-03 to 2016-17. It is interesting to note that every year since 2011-12 – the first budget year when Republicans were in charge of developing the state budget -general fund appropriations for public education have increased. Using data from 2012 Highlights of the North Carolina Public School Budget, we find that since 2011-12 , enrollment in public schools has increased 4.2 percent while general fund appropriations over the same time period increased 15.2 percent.
Just thought you might want to know…
It takes two to tango … NC Policy Watch can play with numbers too.
The difference is that unlike your far-left Commie propaganda site, George, N.C. Civitas tells the truth.